Who we are
      Welcome to Numerical Methods Laboratory (Laboratorul de Metode Numerice). LMN is a higher education and research unit of POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania (PUB). Its mission is to promote, as excellence center, the professional use of computers in electrical engineering.
      LMN was founded in 1983 by Daniel IOAN, as part of the Department of Theoretical Electrotechnics, of the School of Electrical Engineering from PUB, with a strong interdisciplinary character, open towards computers, mathematics, electromagnetic devices and systems, including electronics.
Prof. dr. ing. Daniel IOAN
June 4th, 2017: Oferta educationala pentru viitorii doctoranzi; click aici pentru detalii.
July 26th, 2012: We have an opening for the MEMS project, see its page for details.
March 13th, 2012: Welcome to the new LMN site, launched today!