
ATLAS Beowulf Cluster

      The Beowulf cluster named Advanced Technology Laboratory Server (ATLAS) was setup at LMN for the purposes of research, training and transfer of knowledge in HPC. The ATLAS Beowulf Cluster consists of 14 nodes, each node being equipped with two quad core processors (8 nodes with INTEL Xeon Nehalem 2.66GHz and 72-96GB RAM, and 6 nodes with AMD Opteron Barcelona 2.3GHz with 16GB RAM). [more]


MATLAB vR2016a

  • Parallel Computing Toolbox
  • Distributed Computing Server
  • Optimization Toolbox
  • [MathWorks site]


  • COMSOL Multiphysics
  • AC/DC Module
  • LiveLink for Matlab
  • MEMS Module
  • Optimization Module
  • RF Module
  • [Comsol site]