Gabriela Ciuprina (RO, 1967, married, two children)
CV in brief
1991: MSc from ''Politehnica'' University of Bucharest, Electrical Engineering Faculty;
1992-1994: Postgraduate School on Computer Aided Electrical Engineering;
24 March 1999: PhD in Electrical Engineering from ''Politehnica'' University of Bucharest.
1993 - Six month training stage at Bath University - Electrical and Electronics Engineering, United Kingdom.
Key qualification:
Electrical Engineer
Professional experience:
Teaching: Since 1991, at ''Politehnica'' University of Bucharest (PUB), as follows: 1991-1999 - teaching assistant and PhD student; 1999-2002 - lecturer; since 2002 - associate professor in the Electrical Engineering Department.
Research: Since 2000, part time researcher at ''Centrul de Inginerie Electrica Asistata de Calculator - CIEAC'' (Research Center for Computer Aided Electrical Engineering) at PUB, currently involved in several European Projects financed under the FP5 and FP6 schemes.
Other experiences
I was the chairperson of the 6-th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, held at Sinaia, Romania, in 2006 (, and the first editor of the book containing selected papers from this conference, published in the Springer book series ''Mathematics in Industry'', vol 11 (ISBN:978-3-540-71979-3, ).
I was invited to review project proposals (NL), journal papers (IEEE), conference communications and to chair conference sessions (COMPUMAG, CEFC).
Other achievements